Players who have played American Legion Baseball in prior years must register, tryout and play for the team they last played for.  In certain instances, players who fail to make the team they last played for may request a Transfer from their team manager and, if granted, must register and tryout for the team next closest to their parent's legal residence.  Players who have appeared on a Senior Team roster who are otherwise eligible for a Transfer, may only obtain one Transfer during their American Legion eligibility. Transfers in the Junior Division are for one year only. 

Players who are new to American Legion Baseball, with certain exceptions, must register and tryout for the team closest to their parent's legal residence.  A player's legal residence is established as of March 31 of each year.  Players who do not attend the public high school closest to their parent's legal residence, in most cases, have a one time option to play for the team closest to their parent's legal residence or the team closest to the school they attend.  Once this option has been exercised, it becomes final and binding for the remainder of their eligibility.   Google Maps is used to determine which base school team is closest to a player's legal residence or closest to the school the player attends.  The recruiting rules are established by the National organization and can be confusing.  Specific questions may be addressed to the District 6 Chairman Paul Dumas, email: or the Department Chairman, Richard Paster,